Surfrider Foundation’s fight for ocean access in the USA

February 22, 2008 at 8:28 pm (The Surfrider Foundation) (, , , , , , )

The Surfrider Foundation is fighting against a proposed development permit for the Takanassee Beach Club property in Long Branch, New Jersey. The Foundation has launched a petition to try to persuade the NJ DEP to refuse the permit.

If the plans go ahead, public access to the ocean will be restricted by 19 luxury residences with path ways to the beach and 5 public parking spaces. The property previously operated as a private beach club allowing thousands to enjoy the ocean and Lake Takanassee.

John Weber, Surfrider Foundation’s Northeast Regional Manager said: “In short, coastal development is out of control here in New Jersey. We should be pulling away from the coast in the face of sea level rise, not building more condos etc.”

Reasons to fight

The property has historic importance and the Surfrider Foundation would like particular buildings to be saved and turned into some type of museum dedicated to the lifesaving services that once used them.

The development would mean a significant reduction in the number of people able to access the beach.

This site is in between the ocean and a coastal lake and has experienced flooding several times in recent years and the property has been ruled as an erosion hazard area.

The recreational opportunities for local residents and visitors would be reduced and their history lost.

The lake is on the City’s Roster of Open Space Inventory. The development will prevent people accessing the lake to fish in the current way and adversely impact public open space.

The problem

Despite this list of reasons to save the Takanassee Beach Club, Weber remains concerned over the prospect of losing the fight: “…our state Department of Environmental Protection is just too close with developers and their attourneys, so getting these coastal building permits is easier.”

But the fight continues whilst the project is on hold pending environmental review.

The Surfrider Foundation’s Mission Statement

“The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research and education.”

For more information on the The Surfrider Foundation’s fight to Save Takanassee Beach visit . There is also a short documentary on YouTube –

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